Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Finally Finished!

So I finally finished that present I had been working on. Well, I finished it on Saturday and got it in the mail on Monday. She'll have a lovely surprise waiting for her when she gets back from vacation. So the request was for a needle and hook holder. I had just happened to see a pattern in a book that gave you instructions for knitting AND crocheting an item. I was extra excited when I saw the book, but a flip through left me wanting more. I was not at all thrilled with the patterns. It wouldn't be worth my $20. Then days later my dear friend asked for the holders. I scoured the web but found only one or two patterns where you actually knitted or crocheted them, the rest were for sewing. So I went back for the book that had the patterns to knit and crochet the holders.

I decided to crochet the needle case and knit the crochet case. Partially for the irony, but mostly b/c crochet usually works up faster and obviously the needle case is bigger. Holy cow! This was not a quick and easy pattern! Not that it was extra difficult, it was just more... annoying. After establishing the foundation row the row was stitch one chain one across. Fine. But then the next row had you stitching into the chain not the stitch. And so forth row after row stitching into the chained one. Not complicated, just not nearly as easy and mindless as stitching into the stitch. Then I was having trouble following the steps of the 2 rows I was repeating for 60 odd rows. Part of it was that I went off the book for awhile before totally grasping the rhythm of the pattern. I had even taken it apart almost half way through and had the same issue when I reworked it. By the time I got myself back on track I didn't have the time (or desire) to re-re-work. So it goes in in the middle then back out. What? The case has an hour glass shape, what's wrong w/ that?! I had to change the placement of the bands because of this, put them further apart.
I was hoping the knitting would go smoother. Again the pattern was a bit more intricate than I was expecting (just by looking at the picture). Not complicated, but not as mindless as I was hoping. Things were going well until it came to knitting the bands. The pattern was written a little poorly to say the least. For the body it got you started off then had you refer to the pattern for the bigger case. Okay, done and done. Do this pattern of knitting and purling and repeat from * til end. Same for the borders. Easy enough. For the band: Cast on this many then repeat pattern from the bigger case. Purl 4, Cast on 5, purl 4 repeat 13 times.

I first thought I should cast on 5, move them to my right needle, then purl 4, but that wasn't going to get me 13 times across. She must mean cast on 5 then purl 4 from there...? Strange but okay, lets see where that gets me. I was having a hard time conceptualizing what it would look like, but whatever, I'll go with it. I went on following the pattern like that for quite some time and let me tell you, not so easy! I even read the instructions to my sister to make sure I wasn't missing something. I was perplexed. I'm usually really good at figuring out patterns, but this was over my head. I took it all out and decided to start again. That was when I realized that of course I wouldn't be able to repeat 13 more times because I was starting with half the stitches!!! But it didn't even occur to me to take that into consideration because the other 'repeat pattern from bigger case' instructions just had you going to the end of the row, not repeating a set amount of times. I wasn't even thinking in terms of working with less stitches and the author didn't kindly remind me. Nor did she say 'Cast on 5, move stitches to right needle, purl 4.' I feel like these would be important clarifications to make. I have definitely worked on patterns were you cast on and then immediately knit or purl into those new stitches...

At least now I'll be able to whip through these the next time I need to make them. Got the annoying learning curve out of the way. I'm still annoyed that the pattern was written poorly for the knitting band. It was a slight blow to the ego because I shoulda been able to figure it out sooner than I did, even though I was trying. Poorly written though, poorly written. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Now I'm on to crocheting food!! Hooray!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

New crochet book!!

Yea, I needed it like another hole in the head, as the saying goes. But I've been coveting it for a few months now and had a 40% off coupon! $12 plus tax ain't bad. It's called Tasty Crochet by Rose Langlitz and it's pure amazingness. 33 patterns for food!!! Augh! I'm in love! I'll know be able to make all sorts of breakfast, lunch, dinner, sides, snacks and dessert foods! Including but not limited to: bacon, eggs, bagel (w/ cream cheese!), toaster pastries, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (or if I use white it could be FLUFF!! oh, I'm all over that one!!), peanuts, a bowl of salad, pumpkin pie, a nutty ice cream cone and on and on. It's all pretty amazing I must say! I may have to bust a Julie/Julia and crochet my way through the book, haha. All the while blogging about it of course. Some how I think that would be a MUCH easier feat than the whole french cuisine cookbook thing.

I'm currently working on another knitting and crochet project that is a bit underwraps at the moment. It's for a present, not that I think the person is reading my blog, but just in case. I thought the crochet portion was going to be easier, but it was not! I had to take it apart part way through and restart. I still managed to mess it up a bit in the middle, but I didn't have time to re-re-work it. It only looks slightly wonky, haha. I haven't attached all the pieces because, like any good yarn worker finishing off is one of the least enjoyable parts of the whole process. And if you happen to love that part the best, let me know. Maybe we can work something out... I don't know which I dislike more crocheting off the chain row or weaving in all the ends and all that stuff. Blech. Good thing all that middle stuff is so enjoyable. The knitted piece of the project came along much more smoothly. I'm off to go finish it. I'll have pictures by next week.

Man, as soon as I finish this one I can start in on my book!!!! Oh the joy and excitement coursing through my veins. Yup, I'm that dorky and proud of it!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cupcake Craziness!!!!

Boy have I been busy!! I've been a cupcake machine in the past week. I made 2 kinds for my birthday last Thursday, then I made these intricate ones for my sister's baby shower.

The first ones I made were a revisit from my cupcakes!

Name: Chocolate Mousse Cupcakes
Soundtrack: New Kids on the Block... all of the albums on shuffle

Man it was a hot one this afternoon! So naturally it wa
s the right time to bake cupcakes, bleah! I had to refrigerate the mousse before applying to the cupcakes to firm it up a bit.
I had been anticipating the making (and more importantly eating!!!) of these delicious little cakes for a few weeks leading up to this wonderful day. Wonderful, because, yes it was my birthday, but because these cupcakes are AMAZING. I have been told this by others as well, but wouldn't care if I hadn't. I find them quite delightful (in case you haven't figured that out, haha).

I mean, look at them! I'm salivating just looking at them. Anyway. Nothing eventful happened, I don't think, while making them. As I said it was hot and it was my birthday. I had all the ingredients, no substituting hot chocolate for baking chocolate this time, lol. I also made these into mini cupcakes as well. I first downgraded them from big top cupcakes to regular size and now I present you the miniest version!
So adorable and bite size! But as you can see the mousse was a bit melty by the time I got to these guys. I coulda put it back in the fridge, but just needed to be done with them. I had plans for another kind and needed a break first.

Name: Fudge Marble Cupcakes
Soundtrack: CSI marathon on in the other room and so
me random music

I promised these ones to the owner of the bar where I wa
s having my party. He said they were is favorite kind and I was happy to oblige. I wanted to make 2 kinds, a simple one to balance out the more elaborate/messy one.
Simple, but tasty! I know I shoulda blogged about these right after as I had so many thoughts about 'em, but oh well.

And now...

Name: Pandamonium
Soundtrack: uh... maybe the t.v.?? I don't recall. Then nothing when I assembled them.

I made the cupcakes the night before. I didn't have the energy or the desire really to put them together. The air was thick and I was sluggish. There was nothing memorable about the baking of, which is always good.
Sunday morning with only about 2 hours to assemble here is the beginning of the madness.
Those will be the little panda bear faces. The mini marshmallows shape the muzzle.The start of the faces looks a little creepy, I admit, but they do get cuter, I promise. I wouldn't show up to a baby shower with killer panda cupcakes, not for my sister anyway. She is SO not the type!
The book I was using called for chocolate covered sunflower seeds for the noses and chocolate Os cereal for the ears. I clearly had neither of those accessible to me... I used raisinets for the noses. A little heavy, but they held up okay. I was really saddened when I discovered, last minute, that my grocery store did not carry any sort of cereal that had chocolate Os!! Seriously?! I even considered buying frosted Cheerios and coating them with chocolate. Yea, then I reality checked myself. I ended up with Sno-Cap candy. I thought they were going to be bigger discs of chocolate not the chocolate chips they turned out to be. I was disappointed with that.

And here the final results as you. Here's a little tip I learned while transporting these little guys... If you are using tissue paper as a decorative measure, tape it down to the cookie sheet if you have to drive with them!! Haha. I almost had several little heart attacks as the paper slid about on turns. Thankfully no bears where harmed in the transportation! They were, however, devoured later in the day with not even a blink of an eye from anyone. =)