Sunday, July 19, 2009

Crochet Craziness

So I've been working on baby hats while I watch t.v. I can kick one out in a night or two. They work up fast. I'll be switching to booties soon to match said hats. I want to create a stock pile for presents and hopefully to sell one of these days. I knit as well as crochet, but lately have been more into crochet as it works up faster. I just bought 2 new crochet books the other day, *sigh.* I'm a bit obsessed. I had to buy the first one (which gives the instructions for both knitting and crocheting so that's pretty great!) as it had a pattern I need for a dear friend's birthday. On my way to the register I found another crochet book marked down to $5 and change... how was I to resist?!

I don't have pictures of my work in progress but here are some past crochet projects:

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Name: White Mountain Chocolate Cupcakes
Soundtrack: Jesse McCartney Departure: Recharged and John Legend Get Lifted

I just made some cupcakes on Tuesday for my little sister's birthday. I learned that hot chocolate is no substitute for baking chocolate. Now fundamentally I knew this, but guess had to see for myself. Also I didn't quite have time to run to the store. The results were not terrible, however, I do like to hold myself to a little bit of a higher standard of cupcake. My sister said they tasted "familiar." Yea, like a cupcake made w/ hot chocolate, haha. The texture of the batter was a little grainy and the tops didn't hold together very well. Moist and fine to eat, but personally not my best effort... not my worst either, so there is that. Just... different.

Here are some pictures of past cupcake goodness I've made, successfully, with all the right ingredients!:
Vanilla Cheesecake Crunch-top Cupcakes
Peanut Butter Cupcakes w/ Milk Chocolate Glaze
Chocolate Chip Cupcakes

Mississippi Mud Cupcakes
Boston Cream Pie Cupcakes

Chocolate Mousse Cupcakes

I think I may have missed my calling as a baker... All these cupcakes are from a book, surprisingly, named: ::cupcakes!:: by Elinor Klivans. Of course mine don't look quite like the pictures in the book, but do they ever? Seriously do they? Has anyone ever baked something that ended up looking just like the picture?? I'm curious, haha.

Anyway, my birthday is coming up and I'll be baking again soon! And I'll tell ya all about my adventures in baking.

My next post will be dedicated to knitting and crocheting. I'll post pictures of projects past and the cute little baby beanie I'm currently crocheting.